Title: Derek Joy papers, 1984-2010
ID: 01/BAF MS_00026
Extent: 1.0 Folders
Predominant Dates: 1984, 2009-2010
Forms of Material (links to similar genres)
Scope and Contents: This one-folder collection consists of the papers of Derek Joy, columnist for the West Side Gazette. It contains the short story, "When You Go Fishing, " and the following newspaper articles printed in the West Side Gazette: "Robert Parker ends landmark law enforcement career," "Black American churches heed call to action," "Education exposes myth in the politics of history," "Charlie Christ under political cloud after veto of SB6," "St. Mark M.B. Church celebrates Pastor's Ninth Anniversary," "St. Mark M.B. Church celebrates 81st anniversary," "Inner city schools face FCAT woes and playoff hype," "John Marks touts five-point plan for Florida's cities," "Lemon city cemetery designated historic preservation site," "Florida City kids."